’s 800th blog post!

Wow… first of January already and I hit my 800th blog post on! That’s lots of product releases, partnership announcements and ideas shared!

Enjoy the New Year’s celebrations – I’ll do a monthly review in a few days along with an annual review. There have been a tremendous amount of changes around here over the past year and I want to thank my understanding VERY wife who sees me spend far too much time working on and parents who gave me the gift of life, all the designers who trust me with their designs, customers buying plans and kits and of course, YOU… for reading all this hogwash!

Special thanks goes to ShopBot Tools out of North Carolina, USA for creating the ultimate ShopBot Desktop CNC table router which I’m anxious to get back to playing with now that it’s been uncrated after a very long trip over the seven seas and by van along with Trotec Laser Australia for their continued support (and job software access!) – expect to both see and hear a lot more about these two companies (and several more) in 2013. I do have designs for two other CNC types after-all!

Extra special thanks goes to for giving me the opportunity to move to Australia and fulfill one of my childhood dreams – Australia is a wonderful place to explore and live!

Zulu Main Battle Tank

Zulu Main Battle Tank – Power doesn’t come cheap!