@ World Maker Faire: September 20-21 (2014), New York City

It’s official, after seeing how awesome Maker Faire Detroit was, I decided to make an exhibitor at the World Maker Faire ( being held in New York City on September 20-21 (2014)! I’m so happy Make agreed with my decision, I got in late and was on a waiting list.

Will be great to meet-up with a bunch of people interested in making cool stuff – I’d love to bring my Trotec Laser and ShopBot for demos but I’ve got only one car and everything needs to fit in it… and neither of these machines fit the bill considering all the other stuff I need to bring with me. As a result, I’ll have tons of my books and physical kits for sale and some samples to demonstrate how I’ve been building these projects over the years.

It’s going to be quite a bit of coordination at my end but having all the tools HERE to do just about everything that needs doing is great – really look forward to it! Time to get some serious cutting under my belt yet again!

Oh yeah, Make Magazine (I was in their last issue… full page no less!) got some pretty good feedback from my listing as you can see below. The number one question I get asked about this photo is “are you bringing the Wooden Big Wheels to X event” and the answer is always no. Why? Well, moving from Perth, Australia to Canada meant I moved EVERYTHING I could in one crate and this project, no matter how wonderful, just wouldn’t fit in it! Don’t worry, I’ll have some other cool things to show at the event.

Everytime I look at this photo, memories of Australia come flooding back… sure miss being there! Can’t wait to return!
