Volume IV: Rise of the CNC

Everything is coming together now with the book and after reviewing it, I decided to change the title of it… it has, thanks to contributions and interviews, become far more than just a “Rise of the CNC – Ultimate CNC Design Course” and more like a full-blown course to help you design for CNC machines (laser, table router, 3d printer with a side of plasma).

Depending on the interviews I get back – still waiting two more as I write this – this book will be roughly 400 pages. Originally, I thought it would be about 250 or so pages but the great content just kept coming and I had more ideas to help people new to CNC machines apply their design skills. Where my previous volumes were mostly about “my” designs and “my” views, this one is gives a very good glimpse about the different design approaches you can take. This has far more pictures than any other volume and I think it’s become a good document outlining where things are right now in the CNC industry.

What I’m going to be doing today is to start thinking of different cover designs… it’s far tougher to come-up with something interesting when the book has views and expressions of others involved as well. A static 3D render just doesn’t seem to do any justice to what this book has become. This book will be more expensive than my previous ones though – no way around it… double the page count and added weight really do affect the bottom line but I won’t know production costs until the book is completely finalized.

The book is now 95% done… now it’s crunch time to get all the layouts perfect, index created and a host of other fun things that make a book a BOOK!