Volume 4: Rise of the CNC ~ Ultimate CNC Design Course
As we jump into the holiday season – I’d like to thank everybody who has supported me through the years… whether it was buying a book, getting plans or sharing with me their awesome designs… wouldn’t be possible without such a fantastic group of CNC’ers.
As for my latest book, the 450 page paperweight full of awesomeness… it has been by far my best and fastest selling and I’ve already started to lay the groundwork for the 5th volume which should be out in September/October of 2014. Volume 4: Rise of the CNC ~ Ultimate CNC Design Course
I don’t normally order copies of the book myself for distribution but I sold my only proof and had many people ask me *LOCALLY* about how to get a copy… so I’m going to have to stock a few and get them in local woodworking and machinery bookstores as well. These are going to be my samples that I leave stores, universities and colleges with to review.
If you aren’t familiar with my approach towards self-publishing, basically once one book is “done” the next one has essentially already begun. These take a massive amount of work but when you spread it out over the course of 9 months… relatively “easy” and straight forward. It’s like a slow moving assembly line, if you tried to do everything in the course of a month or two, it would be crazy and I’d have to admit myself into an asylum!
You can of course get Volume 4: Rise of the CNC ~ Ultimate CNC Design Course on (and their international affiliates), and soon Lightning Source (bit of a delay as they are a new publishing unit with different specs that I’m working out with them) as well as my own site, You can get all the links including the Amazon one at
As for the holidays, I’m spending it getting 2014 ready… there is a lot I want to get done and out of the door next year but I’ll post about that in my Year End Review sometime next week. Until then, enjoy the holidays… I’ll be on’s chatting system a lot more over this time so feel free to drop in and say “Hi!”