jon V3

After literally shutting down in January 2017 I decided to give it another life now as we approach July 2018.

It was certainly a very long sabbatical!

Truth be told though, it was never really erased, what I did was transfer all the blogs, products, pictures and content from 10 years of work over to my new business

I had a number of reasons for shutting the site down and now technology has caught-up enough that all the headaches I was having with the old have been pretty much all addressed.

Through the years, (before that, migrated from system to system, getting increasingly complex and filled with issues that just became too much to deal with, and at the time, I decided it would be better to just migrate the good stuff over and erase the extra junk from existence.

The platform started way back on WordPress then as that became unable to handle the traffic and orders, Magento and that’s where the whole system sat for about 6 years and it worked “OK” until I really just had enough with all the tech support problems the site was having.

I then migrated all the content to’s wordpress system which by then had evolved to the point where it could handle both businesses seamlessly and I was impressed.

Fast forward a year and a half later till “now” and I decided to give it another go, but this time, haven let my mind wander and move onto other challenges.

Trying to run business is tough, trying to run two is just about impossible, especially when one is just a constant headache (as became at the time).

So, we’ve now come full circle, back on WordPress 11 years later running a seamless e-commerce system that I’ve perfected from my experience with and I believe now is the time to really bring things to the forefront.

I haven’t stopped designing over the past year and a half, I just focused mostly on “flat” items, from custom metal cut tooling to memorial plaques out of live edge and so forth… but I really miss my days at before things got too much out of hand due to technological constraints.

As such, now’s the time to relive where I got my beginnings, there is a mix and match of content from and various versions of through the years so my first duty is to bring all of that up to date after completing the re-migration of what I moved over from which will probably take another week or two then it’s bringing imagery, 3D animations and assembly videos to a consistent branding.

I do not rely on for my livelihood, and that’s a MASSIVE CHANGE, as such, I’ve taken the liberty of literally banning entire sets of problem countries where piracy was rampant among many other changes that yes, will affect sales, but was to me, a hobby that grew into a business, and as such, now I can look upon it with fresh eyes in much the same way, a hobby that, whether it makes money or not, I don’t care.

With this site, I’m only in competition with myself, maybe I have new products coming out every week, maybe it’s a month between site updates, makes no difference to me, it’s just a pleasure to run the site in my spare time as a break from the heavy-duty lifting I do over at

I know search engines and the like are going to hit me big time for doing all this flip over work but in the grand schemes of things, both businesses, which are very much unique yet intertwined, are just a part of me that I enjoy as a hobby that people happen to pay me to keep on growing.

Thanks for your support through the years, it feels refreshing to be the CNC KING again.
