Review: March 2013

I don’t really remember much of the past month – it just flew by way too fast! I did get a new toy though – a PLA extruding Cube (it does ABS as well but I’m sticking to PLA for now). The month of March is also the time all my software renewals come in the mail so now I’m all clear for the next year!

March 2013 Happenings

Goals for April

Get this book closer to the “completed” stage and release a few more models! Didn’t release as much as I would have liked in March but with lots of things now behind me, can get the production cycle moving again!

Monster Box: 3D Assembly Animation (1080HD)

Sydney ANZAC War Monument: 3D Assembly Animation (1080HD)

Stegosaurus: 3D Assembly Animation (1080HD)

Japanese Miyajima Torii: 3D Assembly Animation (1080HD)

Physics Trophy: 3D Assembly Animation (1080HD)

Japanese Miyajima Torii: Design Evolution (1080HD)