hits 777!

Yep, for the next few hours or days, is incredibly lucky with triple 7s for our FB fan page! In the West, the number 7 represents the luckiest number you can have while in the East, the number 7 represents… THE SAME THING! Last week was my birthday and I turned 37 so I guess there are more than enough 7s all around!


I don’t know how long it will be before the fan base hits 7777 – I could give FB a few thousand dollars and make that happen tomorrow but I’ve learned my lesson with them… it will have to be organic growth here-on-end!

If you look at the bottom of the likes in the above screenshot, you’ll see Bludor which is run by Nadia who made an amazing laser cut elephant stroller that I look forward to cutting one day, you can find it under Collaborations / Laser Cutter / Miklavcic . As we are into symbology at the moment, an elephant stands for strength in Buddhism so let’s all be lucky together in strength and happiness!