Big in China!

As part of my strategy to conquer the CNC digital project field with, I’ve been uploading my animations to foreign sites including Youku and Tudou – the Chinese equivalent to YouTube as that site is banned in China. Most people of means just by pass the Chinese firewall using a VPN (which is how I did it when living there for almost two years) so this wall isn’t as solid as you may think.

I finally got around to looking at the comments my videos have been getting there – it’s interesting how similar they are to what I get on – mostly people questioning why I even bother, what are these toys about and the list goes on. The reason I bother is straight forward, it’s fantastic marketing!

Youku Comments

Looking at the comments, it’s nice to know that Micheal Jackson loves my work… and the program I use is 3DS Max by the way. Some of these guys are saying the models are small enough to fit on their head while others question what the heck they are looking at! I use to upload to several more Chinese channels but the work involved wasn’t worth it and these are two biggest ones in the country anyways so odds are, visitors are going there in droves.

What I find interesting is that these two channels have 1923042 + 208,200 = 2 131 242 video views collectively but looking at my traffic pattern, neither site ranks very high as traffic sources so I think it’s safe to say, these numbers are being heavily fudged – which is why I no longer include them in my internal stats keeping track of total video views.

I mentioned previously that I will be having lots of Chinese on soon, once the book is finished, then I switch gears and have it translated by my wife of fame – into Chinese followed by the other books so that within a year, a whole new market will open-up for me and the designers on the site. My site is viewable in China, they just can’t see the videos – hence why I upload them to these sites, I’ll have to embed them into the pages next to the so they can be viewed within China.

If you want to visit my Chinese channels, you can go to and