161 Products & Counting!

I’ve now completed the upload of over 161 digital files across laser, table router and 3D printer CNC machine and guess what – I’m STILL not done! It’s really quite nuts how big the site is and I finally have an easy way to count them all – just click on collaborations… it also gives you an automatic leader board of sorts of designers and number of projects across all these technologies – with more to come across all 3 with a 4th coming online soon after this migration is done! Yeah – we are going plasma cutter next and I can’t wait!

You better be good in this life because hell is being reincarnated as one of my computers here rendering this stuff 24/7! I think next year I’ll be needing another computer just to keep-up with the amount of work requiring rendering.

So, 26 3D printer projects, 99 laser cutter projects and 36 table router projects – MORE tomorrow!

161 projects on!