CNC Design Anthology: New Lower Price!
I had a few customers bring-up a very good point… why were my digital PDF books more expensive than the physical ones found on Well, that issue is now resolved.
To be honest, the book sales were going fine – even at 50$US for my latest book Volume 4: Rise of the CNC – Ultimate CNC Design Course with over 450 pages it’s a crazy good deal but you can now get it for 35$US. As most of my sales are from my own website in digital form, this allows a whole new audience to experience the joys of designing for CNCs outside of the North American marketplace. Volume 4: Rise of the CNC ~ Ultimate CNC Design Course
As for the complete anthology covering Volume 1 through 4, it was 110$US but can now be found for 85$US… that’s almost a thousand pages of stuff and 6 years of CNC design knowledge!
These are PDFs only of my books – they do not include the vector files but they do have templates that, if you are so inclined, can be used to create the files in just about any CAD or vector based program.
Find them at – here’s the direct link:
Where’s Volume 5?
A customer caught-on that I’ve been publishing a book a year for the past few years and was wondering when to expect my 5th volume of designs. Although I’ve been secretly working on it on/off – at this point I don’t know if I’ll be releasing one this year. It isn’t a question of content – I already have more than enough to do a “repeat” of my last volume – what I’m waiting for before committing is getting my Trotec Speedy 400 flexx. It’s no secret that I want to produce a cutting/build video of each and every project on – it’s what the site needs and I’ll learn so much from this as I did when I did the same with my ShopBot Desktop.
Up to this point, I’ve been focused entirely on the designing aspect of CNC machining, now that my shop will open in a few months – – I want to continue down the path that my previous volume started and get even more in-depth experience and knowledge that, like the designing stuff – just takes time, trial and error and headaches to achieve. As massive of a difference Volume 4 was to Volume 3 or even Volume 1, I want to do the same with Volume 5. I’ve gotten a lot of good feedback from Volume 4 and it will be applied towards the next and then some!
The way I saw Volume 4 was that of a rebirth – a transition from focused entirely on wooden toys to focused on CNC projects. The fact is there is just SO MUCH I could design right now and pump out design after design but where my last volume taught the fundamentals of designing for these awesome machines – I want to go far more in-depth. Having the world’s best laser will help tremendously, I want to get a CNC plasma and full-sheet router as well (a ShopBot no less!) along with a few other toys.
Sadly, there are no shortcuts to learning this stuff and I prefer to release an AWESOME CNC book rather than a filler due to an artificial timeline I’ve established for myself in the past. If the demand of my previous volume is any indication – my next book will be all the more popular!
Taking a Break
My crate is just about done being loaded-up (moving from Australia to China then Canada), have a few more odds and ends to deal with but I don’t expect to be releasing much of anything over the next month and a half… I’ve been working like a squirrel preparing for winter since 2008 and it’s nice to take a break and reflect on how far I’ve gone personally and how far I have yet to go. Still looking at a mid-June delivery of my Trotec Speedy 400 flexx and it can’t happen soon enough!