CNC Design Anthology: New Book Launch!

I’m happy to announce the release of my latest book, Volume 4: Rise of the CNC – Ultimate CNC Design Course is now available on right here! Volume IV: Rise of the CNC

I’ve bundled-up my previous books into an Anthology as well and greatly simplified the purchasing options, you an get all four books at a great price either shipped right to your door or you can download them instantly from Your choice!

I’ve put-up screenshots from within the book to give you an idea of content (scroll down) as well as a few other streamlined elements to make purchasing decision as straight forward and rewarding as possible.

It has taken me two years to write, edit and finally publish this book and I’m very proud to finally be able to release it to the public. It was an incredible amount of work!

CNC Design Anthology

CNC Design Anthology

Special thanks to those who contributed to my latest book – it wouldn’t have been possible without them! Now click on any of the above images to check-out the new anthology!