Christmas Tree CNC: New CNC Router Wood Project Launch!
David Newman’s recently launched laser cut Christmas Tree is now available to be CNC’ed! The completed model has only 6 pieces with the final dimensions of L: 34cm, W: 34cm, H: 49cm cut across four 500mm x 400mm sheet of 6mm thick plywood. You can find this under / Collaborations / ShopBot Tools (CNC).

CNC Christmas Tree
Christmas Tree CNC: Proof of Concept
Christmas Tree CNC: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)
Product Information Refresh
As part of my never-ending goal to streamline and improve customer experience on, I’ve completed the product updates of all the laser projects that share a CNC cousin… some of these product descriptions haven’t been updated in years – mostly, you can’t CNC a laser file without a lot of changes. I’ll now be doing this by default for each upcoming CNC project with a laser cutter origin and slowly update the product mix in this fashion as it’s rather time intensive to release new DXF/AI options to laser files which didn’t have them before.