Challenge: Finding unique and 3d printer tested models

Being very early into the game of 3D printer file sales makes for some tough challenges… the most difficult is finding unique items that have actually been tested (verifying that the files do indeed work and produce what the customer ordered in the first place).

Among my other business challenges (hardware based mostly) I hope to add a lot more project files to in the very near future but without a 3D printer to test files myself, I must rely on designers who have invested the time and money into testing their designs out first. Of course, I plan on getting a 3D printer in a few months once I know where I’ll be. Finding new stuff is rather difficult as I want to steer clear of infringing on anything that may appear copyrighted or trademarked.

The more models and artists I seek out to help me with my mission, the more I realize how new this whole area really is… there are TONS of variations on IP which is a very large gray area. For instance, I know that The Terminator (and likeness) is just asking for a lawsuit should I sell one of those 3D printed models on my website but how about an interpretation, like The Baby Terminator? Hmmm… tough decision! Or how about an accessory to an item which is trademarked like a Kindle Doc or an iPad cradle… again, tough decision! So for now, I just stay clear away if I have any doubt until the market has matured… hence the need for products that are made by the designer, tested by the designer and whose products they own the IP of. These stringent requirements leavesout about 90% of the designs I find right off the bat! Of the 10% remaining, maybe half if I’m lucky are even open to the idea of selling their digital files online for fear of losing control (something I deal with myself as a designer too!)

One things for sure, 3D printing is probably the world’s biggest technological revolution changing every aspect of our lives and society once it becomes mainstream… what I’ve touched on above is but a glimmer of the issues that will arise. Just like Napster revolutionalized the music industry, 3D printers will revolutionalize product (physical and virtual) industries. I CAN’T WAIT!!!