Buying production machines without knowledge

When I have time, I start chatting with visitors at my and website, what I find fascinating is how many people will go out, buy a CNC table router or laser cutter or even 3D printer and have NO IDEA as to the advantages of each technology or file formats their machines need.. I’m by no means an expert but if I know more than them… it’s not pretty. Not sure where the blame lies in this one but how can you spend big chunks of money without having a clue as to how it works?

So, here is my very quick rundown of the advantages of each. If you don’t understand what I’m outlining below then in my opinion, you haven’t done your homework and aren’t ready to buy a machine in a production environment. Hobby wise though – learn on the go as I’m doing!

CNC Table Routers

  • precise Z-axis positioning and cutting
  • cheap to buy and maintain (bit breaks, you are out 10$)
  • easy to scale in production environment

Laser Cutters

  • 90 degree inside angles
  • no need for tabs or hold-downs
  • shared cutting lines

3D Printers (high-end)

  • integrated removable support materials
  • accurate on X, Y and Z axis precision
  • wide material selection (metals to “woods”)