Buying files and kits without assembly guides

One minor issue that has kept me scratching my head since I started is people buying kits and files but not getting the assembly guide along with it. Some of these models, I completely understand, an assembly guide for the Pterodactyl isn’t necessary I think for most adults as the process is very easy and the 3D animation shows the process as well.

I had an order for my Mars Rover Opportunity (animation below) a little while back, the customer bought the EPS file which was great but no assembly guide and I guess that stuck with me since then. This is a very complicated model and I think that even I would need the assembly guide to build it! Unless somebody is a puzzle master, why give yourself the headaches involved with having a million laser cut pieces of all size and shapes trying to match a “finished” picture. The 3D assembly animation does a very good job but it isn’t the same as a step-by-step assembly guide.

The Erika Moment

Then, it dawned on me, I was calling the PDF that contains the assembly guide (and blueprints) “PDF Blueprints”, so if somebody was looking about how to assemble a product they just bought, PDF Blueprint isn’t what they are looking for, what they are looking for is “PDF Blueprints and Assembly Guide”. So, I’ve now updated the naming structure across the whole site to reflect this reality. Not a very fun process but well worth it for everybody involved.

Mars Rover Opportunity: 3D Assembly Animation