Bright Side with Tekneshia Day Radio: Jon’s Interview

A few weeks back I was interviewed by Tekneshia Day on her radio show Bright Side in Atlanta, USA… was my first audio only interview and she made things easy considering it was 1am here (noon for her). Although I did take a nap earlier in the day, it was still pretty tired and not as sharp as I should have been but more than happy for taking part. If the interview would have been 20 minutes, the adrenalin and passion would have kept me more attentive and I think a far better guest.

Tekneshia Day

You can listen to me, losing my train of thought and all, by visiting the show page at:

I learned a lot during this radio show, which I summarized on my blog (link here) but specifically relating to the podcast – it just re-enforces my 20 minute cut-off concept… it keeps things focused, tight and although I enjoy banter as much as the next guy… the value I feel drops the longer things run on. I really think there needs to be a learning factor in as much a condense form as possible. Time and experience will tell if I’m right!