Bright Side with Tekneshia Day Radio Interview

I just wrapped-up my first radio interview with Tekneshia Day… was a rather interesting process and allowed me to test my audio settings here for my own upcoming podcast over at

Jonathan Cantin,

What did I learn from this interview?

  • audio is more difficult than video as I can’t see the person I’m speaking to, she was very good at giving long pauses to make sure I was finished but I wasn’t… something to remember!
  • there is a radio lag, we kept cutting into each other as a result, I think that was because we used phone lines – I don’t seem to have this issue as much on Skype.
  • keeping a guest “entertained” is hard work… she has an hour long show and although we had a rough start due to my inexperience with the format along with other issues stated above, I thought that sometimes she’d wrap the radio interview early as it seems we ran out of things to talk about but she was great at bringing-up other topics to keep things flowing. Unlike a podcast, she HAD to fill that hour… quite a different dynamic than what I’m after for my upcoming show.
  • I’m happy that I’m not repeating myself as much as I use to… a bad habit from teaching ESL to kids where I’d say the same thing repeatedly in different ways so the students would understand me that I’m working hard to get rid of!
  • conducting interview while you would normally be sleeping isn’t easy… I’m not as sharp as I’d normally be but I guess that will come with experience… noon for her was great, 1am here… not so much.

Overall, Tekneshia Day taught me a lot, just like Shah a few weeks back and Paul Akers (video interview coming soon) over a month ago. Great training for my own show and this will help dramatically for my videos as well, there are no second-takes with radio or podcasts!

You can listen to the interview by visiting