I met Charlie last week but read a lot about him and watched his videos for a while before then... he was everything I was expecting and then some. His age betrays his wisdom... a great guy to have a...
It has taken me a while to build his awesome model which was launched a few weeks back here at CNCKing.com (Collaboration / CNC Laser / Jonathan). This is the first step toward much in demand assembly instructions! Next step...
Industrial and office designer Werner Olivier has some great ideas along with some very impressive drawing skills that makes for an awesome combination. Key takeaways from this interview include: The best way to learn the program is to go into...
It started “innocently” when I was running my industrial 3D animation studio back before the .com boom of 2000. I was in the middle of contacting every manufacturing company in the world in order to offer my companies 3D animation...
I just wrapped-up my first radio interview with Tekneshia Day... was a rather interesting process and allowed me to test my audio settings here for my own upcoming podcast over at CNCKingdom.com. What did I learn from this interview? audio...
Working as a Senior Product Designer at Gnosis Product Development (China), Richard uses his extensive background in team management, product, concept and furniture design to help them compete and grow into new markets. As you'll see in this interview, he's...
Brian is the founder of 3DPrint.com - a site I visit on a regular basis to get some news about the industry. He's also helping companies with their online advertising and marketing needs including mobile application management and development. Some...
The month of February and most of March is still heavily focused on getting CNCKingdom.com on its own feet... there is no way around this intensive work and it does affect my designing time severely but it's got to be...
Kade Chan is currently studying Industrial and Product Design at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, a University that has come-up several times during my interviews here on CNCKingdom.com. He is also a professional self-taught origami designer, he started folding paper when...
Shah Turner of Director at Online Pool Designer and Creative Director for 30 Foot Gorilla interviewed me a little while back for his awesome podcast at 30footgorilla.com - you want to subscribe! This was my very first interview and Shah...