Berkeley Bionics: Introducing eLEGS Exoskeleton

Technology is progressing at a dizzying speed and now, following-up on my previous article about downloading and printing your own “Iron Man Exoskeleton”, here is a real world example for the general public.

Again, you look at the components making-up the eLEGS system and it’s extremely similar to Raytheon Company’s 2nd Generation Exoskeleton Robotic Suit but instead of focusing on the military end of things. Lifting heavy weights for extended periods of time and becoming almost like superman, the Berkeley Bionics eLEGS is focused on getting rid of wheelchair bound disabilities.

They all have three major components, one is the software (which is something easily distributed online), the metal (which can be CNC’ed or when 3D printing material gets strong enough, printed) and plastic (easily 3D printed). Fabrics and other similar materials can be sourced locally like belts and straps but also, just as easily, printed once the alchemists in their labs expand in R&D in this area.

I think this stuff is just amazing… and just a hint of how much our world will change in the coming decades.

Berkeley Bionics: Introducing eLEGS