Andrew’s CNC Table Router Helicopter (Timmins, ON Canada)
Timmins Ontario now has a brand new helicopter, a design I adapted to be CNC table routed from Jerry’s laser cut design! Here’s what Andrew had to say.
OK Jon, here she is! I was going to wait until I ordered some 1/8″ carbide spiral bits, but I found a new HSS end mill I had in my metal working bits that worked fine. My son’s daycare has show-n-tell every Thursday, so I wanted him to be able to bring it tomorrow. I made a few minor changes (capped off the tail rotor and cut down the extension on the main rotor) but it went together really well with some thick and thin CA glue. He loves it!
Jerry’s original laser cut design was fun to adapt, it was pretty straight forward… if you want to see such a creation is made, here’ the video I made showing the cutting and assembly.
ShopBot’ing a Helicopter CNC: Proof of Concept
Helicopter CNC: 3D Assembly Animation (720HD)
If you are interested in getting your very own helicopter – there are A LOT to choose from on, just pick either Trotec Laser or ShopBot Table Router and look for the subheading vehicles / aircraft.
Happy CNC’ing!