Alternating Links Ring: 3D Printer Project File Launched!

Alternating Links Ring

Joel's Alternating Links Ring, available right now for digital download!

Thanks to Joel’s second amazing design, we have now officially doubled our product count at! Sure, going from one design file to two might not seem like a big step but considering the rendering queue I’m up against now with lots more designs coming online… a noble feat never the less!

I’ve added a new category to to capture the moment as well, Jewelry with the subcategory of Ring which will soon be populated by many more 3D printer file designs.

You can buy the 3D printer files for this amazing looking alternating links ring right now at

Some thoughts

I really love working on 3D animation and doing these product animations for makes for a nice change from always working on wooden products at I feel the same sense of excitement with each new product launch and I hope to soon have populated by hundreds if not thousands of designs for people around the world to download and print. Fun Times!

Alternating Links Ring: 3D Printing Animation (720HD)