Agnes Ferguson, CEO/Inventor at Bot-Top, Inc. (USA)

Agnes is the inventor of the Bot-Top, a product she designed after losing endless baby bottle caps with her children though this idea could easily be expanded to cover caps of all kinds and applications. She has shown her product to endless clients and even exhibited at INPEX® with the hopes of finding a manufacturer, distributor, venture capital or licensee.

You can contact her through Linkedin at the following address:

Did you always want to be an inventor or did the right idea pop-up in your mind at the right time and you just followed-through?

AGNES FERGUSONNo I didn’t. Just wanted to try it and see what would happen. The idea came to me in 5 minutes, then I filled out the information on a submit form I got in the mail. And here I am.

How have consumers received your invention and what are some challenges you experience bringing it to market?

I had the experience of asking and showing people my product and what kept me believing in it was that they kept saying was when was it going to be in the stores? The big challenges I have had was the finances to fund it to get it marketed, and manufactured.

What are your views on the American patent system and on the recent change from first to invent to first to register? How was your experience like for your Bot-Top?

My views about the new patent system is just simple, if you invented something and know that you were the first one, do the right steps in keeping it silent until you get it registered. I did not have a problem. Cause the company that I submitted my product to was through a lawyers firm which of whom worked with researching, patents, etc.

You are a member of the American Society of Inventors and the Entrepreneur Forumn of Greater Philadelphia. You’d think they would be polar opposites regarding networking with inventors scared another will steal their idea and entrepreneurs who can’t wait to sell you solutions to your problems. How are the two groups similar and different?

Well the first ASOI is a group that works with the inventors. They have meetings each month to discuss things that can and will help each other. Tell of their different experiences as an inventor. The EFGP have very big gatherings where they bring in different speakers and panel discussions of all different aspects of an
entrepreneur and teach you about the important steps of being an entrepreneur.
Bot-Top Company

Who are some of the people you look towards for inspiration and why have they influenced you so much? What do you do to motivate yourself?

I really like to watch SharkTank. I listen and watch at how the people do their pitches. I don’t ever want to be on SharkTank, because they would tear me apart! But they encourage me a lot because one day I hope a big major company would offer me a License one day. I motivate myself by not giving up. I have been on InventionsRadio 3 times and I am waiting on some news very soon. I just keep it moving!!!

What advice do you give to your fellow inventors regarding getting their invention out there? Are they best to do it alone or try to license it to a larger company and receive the royalty checks?

Some things you will have to do alone like putting it up on LinkedIn, Facebook, most Important create a video and post it on YouTube. But make sure it’s PROTECTED FIRST!!! But as for me, I would have to say that going with a larger company to license your product is the best way. To me it is less of a headache. I know some people that did it all by themselves from research, marketing, and manufacturing and now don’t have no time for themselves because they have to do so much traveling. And they regret it. They will tell you never will they do this alone again!

Anything else you’d like to add?

I wish everyone who is an Inventor the best of luck. Because it is not easy. You have to have a strong mind to not give up because there are going to be a lot no’s. But the secret is “Don’t Give Up”