3DMarvels.com dead? No way man! + some Hines Eye Candy!

I know I haven’t updated 3DMarvels.com in a bit with new models and I want this site to grow like weeds ASAP but a few realities are holding me back which I hope to have out of the way in a few months time. Here are the major obstacles at the moment which will soon be obliterated!

3D rendering queues

I get lots of slack from people saying first “why the hell do you even make these 3d printing animations?” The reason is simple, it works as both a promotional vehicle for my sites AND more importantly, shows the model in every possible angle while showing a previs of the 3D printer layering techniques. Suffice it to say, these animations take upwards of a week to render and turn my current computer into a big hot brick. To add insult to injury, I also have a rendering backlog with my industrial 3D animation company, i3DS International Corporation and WoodMarvels.com… all of which share the same resources.

To make things much worse for my poor computer, I want to get into true 3D stereoscopic production workflows and 3D animations… easily doubling the already crazy rendering times I have to deal with. I have one industrial animation that has an ETA of 700 hours slowly working its way at night between projects and this is only standard 720HD!

Solution: Set-up a render farm!

100% perfect model or 100% junk model

The nice thing about laser and cnc’ed project plans is if a part is screwy, you just cut another and replace it. This isn’t true with 3D printing… I could make an amazing model BUT because of one internal wall, the whole things is junk or doesn’t print properly. I’ve made no secret that I want to make all the models available on WoodMarvels.com available on 3DMarvels.com but without the ability to actively test each and every model with a real 3d printer… this is just a huge headache waiting to happen!

Solution: Get a 3D printer – either MakerBot or Ultimaker


The nice thing about 3d printed models is that other than the 3D animation production, it’s a quick release, no assembly instructions are required nor much of anything to help you assemble – just buy the model and print. Done! Right now, I’m in the middle of proofing a new WoodMarvels Volume 3 book and a very extensive Mandarin Chinese Language course (see HowToChinese.com) as well as several partnerships and projects across my enterprises. Throw in another international move, marriage and as you can see… not enough time in the day!

Solution: Get to October ASAP!

What’s the bottom line?

Need a few months to get a bunch of things done, tested and implemented… then we are on easy street! Hey, you want proof? Checkout these amazing pictures of the 3D printed Model T which I had Angus Hines of Angus Design Labs did principal photography on and Ponoko printed! This is my first 3D printed model and shows you the idea of having hundreds of wooden —> 3d printed toy files on 3DMarvels.com is close at hand!

The 3D printed business will be HUGE and I want to be a leading resource for project files! My commitment to 3DMarvels.com is unshakable!