3DMarvels.com: 3D Prints shipped right to your door!

I believe I was about 6 months into making designs for WoodMarvels.com before I heard then joined Ponoko to offer physical laser cut kits of my designs and now, roughly 6 months into 3DMarvels.com – physical 3D printed models are now available for everything!

I’m also nearing final testing of my models to make sure that they can not only be laser cut in 2D and assembled but also made to be 3D printable too without assembly! A whole new world of possibility is now available – though, at a very steep price. 3D printing is amazing but the pricing has much to be desired, rest assured that with time, production costs will drop dramatically as market adoption, more specifically consumer acceptance gains steam.

As with WoodMarvels.com, all models will now have a consistent look to them with pictures and other renders being cross-linked directly with the blog.

I’ll be rolling out the models over the next week then moving onto some new stuff that I have queued up. Stay tuned as lots of other minor and major updates will be happening. 3DMarvels.com is now done its teething and ready for some real food!