3DMarvels.com 2010: Year in Review

On June 18th of 2010, I decided that technology and time was on my side for once and got the prep work done to launch 3DMarvels.com. On September 26th, I launched the very first model on our site, this really cool tricycle designed by Joel… our very first designer! And 3 days later, it got the attention of COLLAda.org!

Goals achieved in 2010

2010 was a great launch year for 3DMarvels.com… so much got done!

  • 9 products launched, each with their own 3D animation
  • got our very first order just a few days shy of 2011 (it was Joel’s Wave Ring by the way), something I wasn’t expecting until sometime next year
  • got the attention of Collada.org and Fabbaloo.com!

Goals for 3DMarvels.com in 2011

I believe things must be tracked to be able to grow and here are my goals for the next year!

  • have at least 30 new models at 3DMarvels.com, both mine from WoodMarvels.com and from other designers
  • dramatically increase sales, gone one with only 9 products, I expect a whole bunch more in 2011 as 3D printers go more mainstream AND product selection increases
  • add a bunch of my current laser cut models available at WoodMarvels.com available to be 3d printed at 3DMarvels.com

The Bottom Line

Each company has a beginning, teething is done for 3DMarvels.com, time for the teeth to start munching on some meat!