3D Printing SLOOOOWLY going mainstream

The problem with 3D printers right now are numerous, the cost of “ink”, the slow speed of the printing itself and lets not forget the high cost of entry for a decent machine. Of course, the same could have been said about laser or inkjet printers years back… even the home PC but as we know now, manufacturers are selling most of their printers at or below cost to make money on the maintenance and supply end of things. 3D printing will be no different… once it goes mainsteam!

Read an interesting article today on PCWorld.com about 3D printing, to me, severely underestimating the impact this will have on society. Check it out here:


I’d do one correction to the article though, 3D printing isn’t an iPad moment, it’s a PHONE moment! As for me, I’m planning to EXPLODE the amount of products on 3DMarvels.com in the coming year… I can’t wait!!!