3D Drug Printing

With 3DMarvels.com – the concept is simple… buy the digital plans online and print at home. I know this model works as that’s exactly how WoodMarvels.com works… now… taking it one step further… soon you’ll be able to buy digital files online that allow you to print your own designer (prescription or otherwise) drugs!

Scotland’s University of Glasgow researchers are now working on a 3D printer that is capable of creating drugs using a 3D printer… just a few days ago – don’t remember where – I also read researchers are building 3D printers that can build electronics (transistors, and casing). Is there anything a 3D printer can’t print? Well… super large objects but it seems that everything else is fair game!

Imagine a world where you bump your head, all you’d have to do is go online, download the file for Advil and within a few minutes, a pill is created for you to take. Or, you get an arm chopped-off… no fear, head to the 3D printer, buy the file from 3DBodyParts.com and within a few hours, a new arm is fused onto you – pay a little extra and get a few enhancements as well!

It’s pretty amazing how many areas will be affected over the coming years and decades from additive layer technology – will be a hell of a fun ride!

Source: 3D Printer Lets You Print Your Own Prescription