3D Assembly Animation Updates

Having lots of tested products is great, but keeping-up with new and updating old can be rather time consuming so I run CNCKing.com in two parallel streams, one firmly going towards the future while the other bringing the past up to spec. I’ve been doing this for the better part of a year now and just about done the “past” stuff but for a few outliers.

These two 3D assembly animations of 3D printer projects designed by Chris Wilmer (Forbes top 30 under 30) were alright before but had a few glitches that rather annoyed me. Those glitches are now a thing of the past and the computer also finished rendering two other much older laser cut projects that I designed eons ago.

When I rebranded my companies under one, it forced me to update past animations more than I’d like just so the site is consistent – last thing I want is customers confused by the animation showing a different domain than the one they are on.

Other CNCKing.com Updates

I’m still busily working on Volume 4 of my upcoming book – problem with it isn’t the lack of ideas, it’s getting them all down on paper in a format that makes sense… unlike my previous volumes, it will be heavy in both models and content to help all CNC’ers regardless of the machine type they have with interviews from industry leaders and a host of other stuff.

A nice thing about 3D animations is that they take long to render, the bad thing about 3D renders is they take long to render… as a result, I’m going to start opening-up the site to designers and launching projects even if I don’t have a (yet) completed 3d assembly animation or assembly instructions. There are some amazing designers out there, I just don’t have the time or capability to produce a 3D assembly animation of everything that’s out there… this will be a good compromise though the model still must be proven to work.

Oh yeah, one more thing – CNCKing.com’s FaceBook page is about to hit 100 likes – not sure what it means but it’s better than 0 likes… progress one like at a time!

Another thing I’m eager to back into is designing, cutting and assembling more CNC table router projects with my ShopBot Desktop – bits are in the mail as are a few extra parts… the wood chips will be flying soon!