2847 A.D.: Solar Horizons now available!

A little over a year ago, I decided to write my first science fiction novel. The entire process from start to finish has taken close to a year and was what lead to the inspiration behind the WoodMarvels.com Zulu Main Battle Tank and Rusk Fortress.

Where’s the physical form?

Well, just as I was about to release 2847 A.D.: Solar Horizons, BookSurge (an Amazon company) merged with CreateSpace (another Amazon company) and as a result, the procedures involved with approving a physical proof have been changed. Basically, the process involved with making this book available as a print-on-demand title is stuck in the outer reaches of bureaucracy and I’ve had enough. Another point of irritation is that I need an IRS number from the American Federal Government even though I’m not an American (????) to collect my royalties of the physical forms sold through Amazon.com.

Suffice it to say that WoodMarvels.com Volume III will not be made available for sale in physical form, I sell far more digital copies anyways and this method of distribution is far more efficient for all involved.

2847 A.D.: Solar Horizons Book Information

The year is 2847, and the human race has barely held on due to the aftermath of devastating explosions that almost saw the end of the entire species. The world is now a very different place; extraterrestrial colonies dot the Solar System as well as planet Earth, and trading has become a necessity to be able to regain some semblance of normalcy.

The main cast of characters includes a Professor who, along with Excur, the most advanced computer man had ever built, works to save the Earth from certain annihilation after an unexploded neutron sphere is discovered deep in Zulu territory. They are joined by three mining Alabarsi, an offshoot of the human species, who help in the endeavor.

What is Project Baptistina? What is the relationship between Glass Lake and the events that may lead to the extinction of all humans on Earth?

Please note that this book does not contain any blueprints. It contains 213 pages, 8 inches high by 6 inches wide and is available for digital download right now under Special / Books at WoodMarvels.com.

What did I learn publishing this book?

Publishing a novel is a heck of a lot of work, far more than I originally envisioned. The first step of getting the first draft of a script done is rather easy, going through proofreaders, physical proofs, keeping a consistent story that not only makes sense but in this case, scientifically accurate as possible takes a tremendous amount of research as well. I even wrote a small glossary in the back of the book to explain astronomical concepts, scientific breakthroughs that form the basic ideas behind key technologies within this book. All in all, I’m proud of this book and I hope you gain some insight from it as well.