57 Search Results for "tree"
I was so busy last at the beginning of November that I didn't get around to doing my monthly review of what happened here on WoodMarvels.com so here is the extended version. By far the biggest news over the past...
I know I haven't updated 3DMarvels.com in a bit with new models and I want this site to grow like weeds ASAP but a few realities are holding me back which I hope to have out of the way in...
Yeah, I skipped a month... just so much happening behind the scenes it's rather incredible I got through it. Traditionally our peak season for sales starts in Mid-August so I had to lay the groundwork and gets lots of things...
I'm happy to launch this new Easter Island Secret Storage Head Bookend... other than a long title, it's a rather hefty statue true to the stone ones on Rapa Nui where it's thought the people cut down all the trees...
I thought September was nuts, well, October was nuts on steroids! Wow... so much happened and I don't even remember half of it! This is why I do these public monthly reviews at WoodMarvels.com, it's a way for me to...
Angus of Hines Design Labs fame (our newest partner) gave one of David's rocket models a test flight and was kind enough to send me the video link on YouTube. Looks like a GPS system needs to be added on...
Jerry has released a new model at WoodMarvels.com, Santa's Sled and Reindeer. This is a great project for the upcoming Christmas season. It's a nice size which makes it for a great gift for the younger among us or under...
This month was great in all departments, I'm taking it easy for the next month before jumping in with a bunch of new designs and much more. Taking time to relax is important! So, what happened this month? Well WoodMarvels.com:...
I was expecting the month of August to be a little slow but as you can see from the WoodMarvels.com, that prediction never came to fruition! I decided to begin selling our EPS files, got a bunch of blueprints available...
One question that comes up every once in a while here at WoodMarvels.com is if we can design a custom toy for a child using sketches made by their parent. The answer is... Yes, we design custom toys! I have...